Sunday, August 31, 2008

mission statement

Ok so I've had a couple of days to think about it and I have decided on a few things I would like to accomplish with my blog. (I keep accidentally typing "blob") They are as follows:

1. Update everyone on the more minute details of life in China
2. Provide a different viewpoint on the topics discussed in our mass emails
3. Pontificate on any interesting things I read in the news
4. Allow readers to become more familiar with the people I know here

Ok. Those are all of them for now. If I think of any more I'll edit this post. Oh, also I'll be creating some different China themed graphics to add to my blog, so stay tuned for those and feel free to offer any feedback.


1 comment:

Jessica said...

I am extremely interested to hear you pontificate in the future! ;o)

Welcome to the blogging world, its sucks, you're going to love it!